Goal vs Habit (System)

Goals as making a contract with yourself being unhappy until you reach the goal.
Compared to a person who naturally have results because they have a habit (system) set up.

It’s like setting a goal to lose 10 pounds and falling back to old habits after reaching it. Compared to making a lifestyle of eating healthy and exercise every day.

This way you actually don’t need that goal,
you will reach the result no matter if you have the goal or not.


There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.
Success is a journey, not a destination.

Goal is just a destination
Habit keeps you on the way.
You need both.

A goal is a theory.
A habit is a practice.

A goal requires you to develop a plan.
A habit enables you to maintain the schedule.

A goal guides the choice of habits.
A habit makes daydreaming become achievement.

Goals are measured with output.
Habits are measured with input.
By the time you get output measures it may be too late.
Good performance on input measures is motivating,
and eventually leads to good output measures.

An achieved goal is a stepping stone to the next, more challenging goal.
A habit is an asset that carries from goal to goal.

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